Dar es Salaam



Travelling to Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania? Book To Fly With Air Zimbabwe , and we will ensure you are you’re clued up with what you need to know about the city and its happenings!

Currency: Shillings


Before travelling to Dar-es-Salaam ensure you have the following:

  • Covid19 vaccination card *if you do not have it, ensure to get a Covid 19 PCR test done before travelling*
  • Approved Visa *if applicable*
  • Valid passport

Dar-es-Salaam is Tanzania’s largest city and commercial center. Its official languages include Swahili, English and Arabic. Greetings in Tanzania in:

  • English: Hello
  • Arabic: Hallo/ Ahlan/ As-Salaam-Alaikum
  • Swahili: Habari

Street/informal phrases to greet in: Shwari?, Jambo?

Known for its beaches, islands, seafood and music, the city is brimming with a variety of activities for every type of visitor. If tickling your taste-buds excites you; don’t leave Dar-es-Salaam without trying:

  • Ugali
  • Zanzibar Pizza
  • Irio
  • Mandazi
  • Nyama Choma

What to do in Dar- es- Salaam for a day:

  • Bongoyo Island
  • Slipway Shopping Center
  • Kariakoo Market
  • Oyster Bay
  • Kivukoni Fish Market
  • National museum and House of Culture

For weather updates: https://www.accuweather.com/

Thank you for choosing to fly with Air Zimbabwe, and please share your experiences with us in Dar-es-Salaam via our social media platforms @FlyAirZimbabwe

Yellow Fever

Passengers traveling to Dar- es-Salaam are now required to present the following on arrival:

  • Activated vaccination card/PCR valid within 72hrs
  • Yellow fever certificate

Please note no Yellow Fever certificate, one will pay USD50 for a jab at the airport upon arrival.